By no means am I some relationship specialist, match maker, or dating guru. For heavens sake I’m still asking women what their favorite color is 😂 But I do have a perspective on dating that I think a lot of single people can relate to. For men, when is it a good time to put the pedal to the medal with that girl you've been dating? For women, is he really that into you? Are questions I still can’t answer 😂😂😂 the truth is I may be in this position because of my own actions, or cold feet but everything happens for a reason right?!

In my time of dating I've paid attention to myself and the other person. I've also paid attention to other peoples' relationship/situationships (LOL)) and want to share a few tips of what I think each other’s approach/response should be in regards to dating. This will be an ongoing conversation that over time will cover many different angles, tips, and perspectives on the wacky world of dating. I may even share some horrible yet comical dating stories for our entertainment😂 Please feel free to comment and add any perspective you have on the matter below (Men & Women)
Simply put, my tip is: “Pursue Her but Don’t Chase Her.” If you do chase her, you’ll probably end of looking like my boy Usain Bolt in the blog picture, and she’ll be like the helpless girl in the picture running for her life-with a 🍗 in her hand (Cause shawties love to eat 😩😂🤦🏾♂️) The idea of chasing someone implies that THEY ARE RUNNING FROM YOU. That means they don’t want what you are offering. How many people overly communicate in the beginning stages? I’m guessing very few, you don’t even really know the person, so having to figure things out on the go is a must. Fellas! Take her hint (Ladies too, take his hint) Here are a couple hints to gage rather or not you are chasing someone, or running from someone:
(For the chasers)
1. They don’t reply to your text or calls. (Maybe inconsistent with both)
2. They don’t agree to your plans. (It doesn’t flow)
(For the runners)
1. You don’t care to answer their texts or calls
2. You avoid their plans. (Maybe there’s no real interest in seeing them)
This is a common example of “chasing”and/or “running” If you are in this place with someone, leave them alone, and if you are in the position of running let them know you aren’t interested. No one wants their time wasted, it’s better to be honest upfront with whatever your intentions are-if any. For the chaser, there is someone out there waiting for all the things & love you bring to the table-just not this person. Take your L in stride and don't trip too hard off it, there’s a God appointed love waiting for you out there😇

On the other side of the table is pursuing someone. This is when your effort and actions are appreciated and warranted. The other person usually or should reciprocate your energy/effort. For lack of a better analogy: when cops are pursuing a suspect, that suspect has given the cops a REASON to pursue them, Get it? When she responds to your plans, answers your calls, and to some extent matches your energy, shows some mutual interest, these are the warranted signs that should be the reasons you embark in your love pursuit. (This is for the ladies pursuing that guy too, does he warrant your effort?) I only say this because in the wacky world of dating, expectations from both sides can be a tricky situation sometimes. This is a very simple tip to help your dating experience and I would love to hear what you all think?! Comment below
I will be continuing the convo with future topics like: godly dating, being equally yoked (alike), how many dates should the guy pay for, is she really that into you, and many more !
I hope that this brings some clarity to each of you brave men and women who take on the wacky world of dating, and if you don’t get anything esle from this I hope to atleast to get the conversation started!
Great story Will. Keep them coming