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Our Love Storie 🌻

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

Hi Good People!

I hope everyone reading this is well and safe! I’m choosing to write about a very personal part of my life, my daughter S T O R I E and our experience with her coming and all— 😊

Our Love Storie🌻

Psalms 9:1 “I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”

Yall ready for the juicy content ?! 🤣🤣

Why is having a baby juicy content? Well, cause having a baby is an amazingly beautiful experience. God is so amazing y’all! Q & I chose to do a natural birth experience, well more so Q wanted it, I just supported🤣🤷🏾‍♂️ But it was amazing, I’ll let her tell y’all more about that, I wanna share the other content. ♥️ So hang tight, get ya tissue ready? 🤣 maybe. And I hope you all enjoy!

Alright so, when I first heard that Q was pregnant I was like this 😳😶😦😅😅😅😅😅😅😅🤣 ♥️(I love you Q 🌹) We had been together for about a year and a half and it wasn’t the best time to have a baby for us. I was working out some drama at the time, to say the least 😒 AND, we recently started a new journey in our life of faith, we were baptized 🕊 🙏🏾 So, to hear that news 😅 we kept it private as long as we could. We weren’t married, young in the faith, and prayed hard about it. HARD HARD😂 We decided to meet with our Church for guidance and to our surprise, we were shown the Love of God Elohim! 🙏🏾 That was comforting!

But that wasn’t all y’all! We got word when the due date was, and that added another level of worry for me, maybe not so much for Q 🤣 But a lot of worry for me. The due date was March 27th-April 4th. Well it just so happen that this date (this year) is a very important and special time in our faith, the day of Passover of the New Covenant & Resurrection Day)

(Matthew 26:26-28 & Lev 23:4-10) See what I did there ? 😆😉🕊 Quick note about why believers should keep these feast, Jesus fulfilled the Old covenant Passover and established the NEW covenant 2,000 years ago, He also fulfilled the day of Firstfruit on the Day of Resurrection) 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

So, us being young and dumb you can say 🤣 we were scheduled to have our baby then. I didn’t want it to happen that way and worried heavy about it. The thought of missing the Passover because of our baby being born was daunting. But, God tells us to pray and ask in His name and if it’s His will, it will be done! AMEN?! So I prayed harddddd y’all lol just asking God to let us graciously keep the Passover AND graciously bring our baby into the world before or after 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️ 🙏🏾

BUT that’s not it y’all! We still didn’t know the gender at this time, and was planning on doing the natural birthing experience without having a natural birthing center 😅 No place was accepting our insurance and Q wasn’t budging! She wanted to do the natural birthing experience, more specifically the water birth. So, she prayed hard for her wants, and if it is apart of His will, it will be done right ? AMEN?! ☺️ So there we both were, anxious as could be in our owns ways, praying hard, and contemplating rather we could wait until baby got here to find out baby Wallace’s gender. We cracked on that part lol and decided to open our gender envelope we had up until that time (see below)

A G I R L! We couldn't believe it! This brought us some relief and even more excitement, What name should we pick, what her personality would be like, the love for babygirl was alreaddddy at an all-time high! Back to all the other drama, LOL. We were able to find a natural birthing center, that accepted our insurance, just months before babygirl was set to be here. Graciously. Answered prayer ✅ Fast forward to March 27th, the day of the Passover. Storie (baby girl) was giving mommy Q fits in her tummy, but she was comfy in there. We thought, she might not come til Q is full-term, last min-- she wasn't giving off the active labor contractions yet, so we knew we had some time. (Prodormal contractions are contractions pre-labor.) So, thanks to God, Q and I were able to celebrate the Passover GRACIOUSLY. Answered prayer ✅🙏🏾 Still, there were anxious moments because that following week was still important "appointed" times in our life of faith. So, there I was (not so much Q) watching Storie and keeping up with the Lord's blessings with Resurrection Day being just a few days away. That day came, I was nervous as could be, not knowing if this would be the day we would have to rush Q to the Midwife nursery 30 mins away or not. Storie however, seemed to be BIG chilling in mommy's tummy LOL. Then, we started to realize that she was doing her own lil thing, on her own lil timing, but even more— she was on God's timing? Amen! We were able to happily celebrate Resurrection Day with our church family, and I was even able to hang out with my bro and cousin who came into town. After all the celebrating was done, ALL our attention then turned to our beautiful baby

S T O R I E. "Ok Storie, come on out" LOL, Y'all Storie was chilling. Q was about 39 weeks at this time and could burst at any moment. I even did my own lil investigation and found Storie sitting real low in mommy's tummy, but no sign of contractions. 😅🥰🤫


The days went on, We went to visit the Midwife again for our weekly check-up, this time with Q's mommy who was just as excited as we were to meet her. The midwife asked, "She's sitting low, do you want to have your baby tomorrow? Q said, TOMORROW!? anxiously, while Q's mom and I excitedly exclaimed "YESSS!!! Come on out Storie!" LOL. We asked how can we be certain she will come tomorrow? The midwife said, "Well we can give you what's called, an _____concoction_ drink, it'll trick your body into going into labor." Wow! we pondered on the idea over lunch and decided to take the drink. In a way it was like, us parents having our first moment of parenting our daughter. She was chilling, IN NO RUSH TO COME LOL, but we had to pull the plug on her as to say, "Ok, it's time to meet your parents"

The next day, we woke up "Excited as could be" and we took the morning shot of that "DRANK" LOL. I excitedly watched Q's mood change slowly throughout that early day. She became more and more instinctive, and I became more and more excited, "Storie could be here today, I thought." We ran some errands, walked around, then Q said, "Call the midwife, we gonna go to the birthing center now." Yall Q did her thing, she was in control, calm and collective--for the most part (Proud of you baby LOL) We headed out to Arcadia to the birthing center, and they were there excited to see us, yet, overly calm. I was like, "Yall too calm for this" but they knew the process, we didn't. The midwife calmly instructed us step by step to go for a walk, lie down, and "wanna take another shot of that DRANK?" Q responded, yes! while going through her own behavioral change. She spent more time on all fours like an angelic animal LOL. She calmly made suggestions to me, and after downing that DRANK, maybe 45 minutes later, she said "I'm going to get in the water now." 😂😅 OK! I said, and rushed and got the overly calm staff there. Q got in the water, everyone got into position, and minutes later, literally 19 minutes later, S T O R I E came into the world! (I caught her like a football 🤣 🏈♥️) wide-eye and crying her ears off LOL. We were so excited to see her and didn't know what to do with her now being in our hands. The three of us anxiously looked at each other before the midwife encouraged us to "talk to her" HI STORIEEEEEEEE! we love you! and instantly Storie went from crying to being calm and looking around (for a min) It was like she knew she successfully made it from heaven to our arms. 🤣🙏🏾 WOW! April the 8th, 2021 @ 5:28 pm Storie Naomi Wallace was born! GRACIOUSLY thanks to God. Another prayer answered ✅🙏🏾

Looking back, all our worries we cast on God, and God allowed ALL our prayers—according to His will, to be answered. Storie is the newest family member who shares a birthday in the month of April, and we are soooooo thankful everything worked out smoothly. Below are a couple photos of our happy baby girl

S T O R I E. We truly give all thanks honor and praise to Elohim God (Rev 22:17) Thank you for reading. God Bless You!


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