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5 Tips To Help Discover Your Purpose

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

There are many different avenues to discovering your purpose. Often times it just comes naturally. Life hits us in the face and we realize, "This is what God wants me to do!" But, in other cases, it isn't as easy as we would think or hope for. In some cases the thing we dreamed about most, grind for the most, just isn't quite for us- then what? Luckily, if it wasn't for you, it won't be for you, simple as that- and that's OK. I had dreams and aspirations of playing in the NFL one day, and when the reality of it not becoming true hit me, it was hard to swallow. It wasn't what purpose had planned for me, it wasn't what God had planned for me. Maybe it is in a different capacity that I work in my dream playing football or with something involving football- but more on that later. This doesn't mean you are without purpose, but simply you haven't discovered it or its SPECIFICS yet! With these basic tips I want to help anyone/you start to dive deeper into themselves/yourself to find out who you are, and bring out some valuable info to help you discover the 'purposeful' you. Before that, I want to share what the Bible says concerning our purpose. Which is a lot simpler then we would think. All through out the bible, it describes our purpose as glorifying God, and fellow-shipping with each other. Living in harmony and following God's commands. Simple right!? So everything given outside of that is already a blessing! What about the specifics ? Our lives are uniquely different, our journeys vast, our purpose (according to the will of God) infinite in ways. What does that look like?

The first tip to discovering your purpose is to "Find out what you like." What do you like to do? I get it! this is simple right?? We kind of go through this process naturally but do we really pay attention to it? especially when we are young? What do you like to talk about? What do you like to think about? Make a list of the things you genuinely LIKE to do! Write them out, review them, and explore them! If you like sports, explore different sports you might be interested in. If you like reading or writing, explore different things you can do with reading or writing. Some of these things you investigate you'll find have so much more to offer, so many different avenues/careers that you can truly express yourself with.

"Simple right!??! LOL

Secondly....Da don don Don don daaaaaaa!!!! (My ESPN impression LOL) "Find out what you love!?" Love already is the epitome of life in so many aspects. Everything flows from it. Apart from having a beautiful family and a spouse someday, explore all the things you LOVE to do! I know some of y'all probably thinking, "Well... I love to eat!!" LOL. That's fine, but let's be real about the things we love! If you love to eat, then maybe that means you might love to COOK?? (Oh don't put ya hands down now LOL) Maybe you truly do just love to eat and exploring that fact a bit may have you looking into being that uniquely-lucky-greedy person who can travel the world trying all of amazing food God put here for us! Some of you may love movies, or TV shows, so exploring that may have you looking into script writing, film & production or whatever else associated with that! Again, write it out, review it, and do some investigation. SELF DISCOVERY in 10, 9, 8, 7..... Here are some possible careers/passions you can pursue with LOVING to eat. 1) Culinary Arts School 2) You can become a Food Lawyer (Yes this is a real career LOL) 3) You can become a restaurant designer! 4) A professional food critic 5) An Urban Farmer. You catch my drift!!? & this is just to name a few.. Whatever you love, you can explore several career options for that specific thing. Amazing right!? (Check her out, It's real!! you can turn your passion of loving food into something much more LOL)

That uniquely-lucky-greedy person LOL

Thirdly... "What are you passionate about!?" ...Why would I include passion? Because studies have shown that when someone is passionate about something, it brings out the best in what they do, themselves, and everyone around them! Crazy amazing right!!? This by far I think might be the biggest indicator of you moving towards your purpose. What naturally gets your juices flowing?! what raises your blood pressure? ( In a good way LOL) What gets your heart pumping a little more!? What gets you excited!? This might be your biggest passion!! Explore that! For me, I loved talking about God, defending God, and learning- naturally. All the things associated with that has brought me to this very moment. Writing about God, sharing vulnerable things about me to my fellow readers! For you, it might be Children's healthcare, Health & Fitness, Basketball, Learning, Music, Animals! Whatever it is, again! explore it! write it out! review it! investigate ALL the things you can possibly do and make a living doing with it! (Ya Feel me!!??)

You #GoalDigger You

Fourthly!! (If that's a word, I've never used it until now LOL) "Pay Attention to what others say about you" Sometimes this can be a good and bad thing, but I would say have an ear for the things people genuinely say about you. This may be "You are really good with kids!!" or "Wow! you can really throw down with that upside down cake!!" or "Damn Bae!! you are really good at narrating your day at work, maybe you should get into story-telling LOL) All of these affirmations if you will, sums up your goodness. These are indicators of your potential greatness or purpose!! It is known that we should never boast of ourselves, and that those who do great work will have others boast of them!" This is biblical, find the verse for me and post it below. When we witness something great, say like Lebron James (& please don't start a debate on my blog about his greatness or lack thereof LOL) But when you are great, we all talk about it! You turn on ESPN right now and you often hear Lebron's name and other great young players like Zion Williamson, Ja Marront etc. Simply because these guys are great at what they do, and it stands out. These guys are displaying their God given talent-purpose to the world and it is praised. Write the things down that people say about you, review it, investigate if it's really you and if you could make a purpose out of it!! But, cautiously, take praise with a humbled heart (practice The Ego Killer :))

Lastly, "Put in some action!" If you write all of these things down, explore them, investigate them, then just put it on the shelf while you hesitantly go through life, what justice are you doing to yourself, your dream, your vision or purpose?? What justice are you doing to those around you waiting for you to operate in your purpose!? Get ya self up and sign up for that cooking class/degree! Get to the gym and put in that work, or go to the court and get them shots up! or those catches at the field. I know this isn't rocket science but you'll be surprise how many people squander away their purposeful life for sooooooooooo..... long. The action begins today, right now, not tomorrow or when you get around to it. Cause honestly that purpose you have wasn't given to you just for you. It was given with a purpose in mind, from God. To inspire others just like you to venture out and become that uniquely-greedy-person who gets to travel the world eating every cities favorite dish LOL. Maybe him or her doing that will inspire another boy or girl to travel the world doing what they love!! Whatever that may be!

So in discovering you, you help others discover themselves, and in turn you help make that world that much more purposeful then the day before! How crazy amazing is that!?

When you discover your purpose LOL

Thank you for reading !! Comment below, let me know if this was even a little bit helpful towards your journey of self discovery!

#GodSpeed Friends,

William A. Wallace

2 comentarios

William A. Wallace
William A. Wallace
27 mar 2019

Thank you @aida2006 I really appreciate your support!! and that verse is right on!! Don't boast of ourselves... Yes yes!!

Me gusta

27 mar 2019

Another Awesome Read!! I enjoy your stories Freedom Writer....

Here’s the scripture about someone else praising you 😁

I just read it this morning during my am meditation 🤔- Proverbs 27:2, “Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth- a stranger, not your own lips.”

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