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"Dreams Of Purpose"

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Discover your purpose

What's your purpose? Is hardly a question mentioned during motivational speeches today, but rather 'What's your dreams?' But what if I told you that you should be dreaming of your purpose? What if I told you that this life wasn't about you but about something much greater? Is that a hard concept to digest? Trust me, I understand. Surely it is for majority of our World. From day one we've been taught not to think about the bigger picture, but about ourselves and what we can obtain from the world. 'What are our dreams? What would make us feel better? A whole bunch of me me & more me.' Don't get it wrong dreams are great!! & to be in a position where we can realistically seek out and accomplish our dreams is truly a BLESSING. We are blessed with a privilege that other places in the world hope for. Yet, not often do we talk about our purpose. You see, purpose is much bigger then you, purpose makes you put your selfish ways aside, and focus on things beneficial for the greater good of not just you, but the world around you. As believers, we are without a doubt dubbed with a purpose from God. For God says, "You did not choose me, but I choose you and appointed you that you should go and bare fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He may give it to you." John 16:16 ESV We are all chosen for his purpose! and if you are wondering how one may find their purpose, (which means the reason something was created for.) Is no other way then to seek the one who gave us purpose (Created us) in the first place- Our Father in Heaven. Through seeking Him, we find ourselves. How amazing is that?!! If we the creation seek the creator we find our purpose. So I ask you, what's your purpose? How are you dreaming of purpose in your life?

Everything you need is already WITHIN you

When we act in our purpose it is for the greater good of our world. The best way to describe that idea is that of the Honey Bees. The 2014 pollination report, reported that the honeybee's PURPOSE DRIVEN lives of pollinating crops have contributed to 14.6 billion dollars that past year in the farming industry! Without the Honey bees' PURPOSE, many of our Country's crops would not exist, crops would yield & their quality would greatly reduce without that natural pollination... But because of the 'obedient to its purpose' Honey Bee, farmers are capable of feeding more people using less land. How great is that of the Honey Bee? Who knows nothing but to live in its purpose. In the same way, yet on a grander scale, we are similar in that way. When we collectively work in our purposes, each according to God's will, the benefits to the world around us is LIGHT barring! For God says "All things are done according to God’s plan and decision; and God chose us to be his own people in union with Christ because of his own purpose, based on what he had decided from the very beginning. (Ephesians 1:11) WOW! God's plan for us was already set in motion in the beginning! And after discovering our purpose, after we all collectively work in our purpose, Just think of the outcome of all those factors around us? What would our communities look like? What would our finances look like? There are major benefits to operating in our purpose, the life of the honey bee further exemplifies that. According to the National Honey Board, pollination increases yield and quality of agriculture, which is valued at more then 17 billion a year! (Think about all the things that grow in a farm) Not to mention the outcome and production of Honey; that same source acknowledged the top 3 states; North Dakota, Montana, and South Dakota on average produces over 20 millions pounds a year in honey and grosses up to 65 million a year! Looking at this, one would say a purpose filled life is beneficial- Not just for ourselves but some many other things around us!

So I ask, What is YOUR PURPOSE? Have you ever dreamed of purpose? Some might ask how do we ultimately discover our God given purpose? I will speak on this more in future blogs, but I will say this: IT'S ALREADY WITHIN YOU! It has been in you since God created you-from the beginning! Bring that Sh** out LOL. You will not have to fake it, you won't have to be someone else to do it, you'll be doing you! and no one can do you, like you do you! Find your passion, dream, and purpose and work in it! So again, I ask you what's your purpose? Are you dreaming of your purpose? If there's any worldly advice one can give regarding your purpose would be no different then the advise they give you about your dreams. Believe in them! write them down! find a role model! WORK for them. In the same way we have to work for our LORD and show ourselves approved for it says in 2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one APPROVED, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." What happens with good workers at your job? In any profession say sports, when a person show his or herself approved. They get more RESPONSIBILITY, they get more rewards, they get more playing time, they get more PAY. Our efforts towards God should be of the same! Our knowledge of the word accompanied with our ACTION gives us that much more responsibility, accountability, and purpose. So be ready to work! Be ready to dream and to have a vision for such things are given from our creator, who already knows you are approved! You just have to have faith & do!

& excitingly enough the best part about our purpose! is that our Lord and Savior modeled what it's like to live in purpose. For he says in John 6:38 "For I have come down from Heaven, not to do my own will but the WILL of Him who sent me." Jesus understood his purpose on earth, and when you understand yours, know yours, you move with more precision. When that happens rather individually first, then collectively-much like the Honeybees. The rewards are gloriously amazing! The world around us literally becomes a better place! LITERALLY. So I ask you what's your purpose? How are you dreaming of your purpose? We are all part of a divine plan to bring God's glory and salvation to this generation. Each of us from the North, South, East, and West in whatever lane we are in, we must take our purpose. Rather you are a Dentist, Lawyer, Doctor, Teacher, Student, Athlete, Coach, Stay at home Mom, Firefighter, Police Officer, Store Clerk, Janitor, Rapper, Singer, Model, Writer, Musician, Therapist, , Congressman, CEO, or Entry Level. Whoever you may be today-God is ready to use you for his will. In everything you do, do it with Love and Passion. Do it for those who are depending on you to. Do it for God who engraved it in you, and not for man. Then you will be dreaming of purpose. Living on purpose, and glorifying God in the process!

God Speed Friends, Thank you for reading!

William A. Wallace


William A. Wallace
William A. Wallace
Aug 05, 2019

Appreciate it bro! and you got it! once that thang is discovered you'll move with more intention/direction.. LOL beez are legit.


Aug 05, 2019

Will great explanation

We all have a calling and we definitely need to lean on the lord for understanding. Something I'm currently in the midst of. Beez are magnificent on a larger scale, which was something I did not know.


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