For starters this post has nothing to do with the big bang theory. Even though I believe it is scientist/the world's way of explaining God's magnificent feat (Don't come for me about that statement lol) This isn't what this blog is about. Instead, I'm going to explain my "Big Bang Theory." I hope you enjoy!

I could remember getting off work and having a quick executive decision to make: work out near my job or work out near my place. Usually I work out near my job because it's more convenient; parking is cool, this gym usually isn't as crowded. When I work out near my apartment I have to face Downtown LA traffic and parking-That's always a struggle. So the decision usually is a easy one- work out near work (Slauson ave. 24hr Fitness) (They better cashapp me for this shout out lol) Sometimes, maybe on the weekends, or rare occasions I work out in Downtown LA. This night was different, I could remember feeling this strong conviction to go with the dumber decision and work out in Downtown LA. I was going to be accompanied by my friend and scheduled us in for a workout date on Wilshire Blvd. in LA. The route I usually take to get home, I took this night. Because of a few mechanical problems, and a few legal problems with my car I decided to take some back roads in south LA to get to my destination. Driving in LA is a experience in itself.

This night was like no other I've experienced before. I found another backstreet I was common with (Arlington ave.) and headed north up it towards the gym. This street has two-way traffic and residential living, four lanes, two each way, with the far left lane and far right lane sometimes serving as the street parking for all the condensed LA houses on the street. Driving down this street either way you had to pay attention to what's in front of you, because at any moment for a few blocks you could be headed towards a parked car. I was successfully making my way up north (In the inside left lane) and a couple car spaces in front of me was another car (In the right lane going in the same direction) For a few blocks we both drove like any other night in South LA, just trying to make it home. In the midst of that drive, a black parked car appeared in front of the guy driving in the right lane and the unimaginable happened, he smashed right into this car. BANNNNNGGG! Being a few cars behind him, I looked on hopelessly as his car began to do a Fast 8-like spin in the air, leaving him upside down, in a slowly burning car (bound to heat up) in the middle of the intersection.

That strong conviction I had again directed me to pull over as fast I could to help in any way possible. I jumped out the car and rushed over to the man. Another guy was there to help, and he and I pulled out the man from his car as it continued to heat up. My heart was racing for him, hoping the best. "Sir! are you ok?? we asked?" The guy was clearly startled, and finally replied, "I'm ok." I thought "Thank you Lord!" as we pulled him aside from the burning car and on to a nearby curb. "I'll call the police I yelled out and made the call to local police for the ambulances to come. I was a bit startled myself but came to the realization, after being asked by the dispatcher, "Is the guy ok? does he have any injuries?" I looked at him and only noticed a small bruise of his right hand. "Sir? are you hurt? Do you have any injuries?" I asked. "No he said, I'm fine" To think that I just saw this guys car flip at least three times in the air and he walked away with only a small bruise on his hand, had me thinking how big of a miracle it was. The only thing I could think to say to this guy as the cops and ambulance pulled up was "Thank God you are ok!" and he agreed. The guy goes on to say that he had just had a stroke the week before- talk about a tough week! The ambulance cleaned up the car, bandaged the guy, and got everything back to normal.

For me, I couldn't help but reflect on that moment as I humbly got back in my car and headed to the gym. In a weird way it all made sense as to why I made the dumber decision to go to the other gym- As if directed by a higher purpose to do so. Maybe this higher purpose wanted me on that street, at that particular time, behind that particular man, to be of help, in that particular moment? Who knows what could've happened to him if myself or the other guy weren't there to help him out. And even more, I definitely think it was by purpose that after briefly checking on the man that the only response I could have to him surviving such as traumatic crash was "Thank God you are ok." It was the only thing that I could say, and maybe that was by purpose. Who knows what that man was going through before then but only him and God. The blessing in it was that he survive, and without much injuries. His big bang happened, and it was only by the grace of God that he made it through ok.
This theory of the big bang is that we don't know when it'll happen, or where it'll happen, or why it'll happen. When it does happen, it's either allowed by God or done by God. When his big BANG came was he prepared for it ? either way it could've ended, was he prepared for it? That's something only he and God knows. His life could've been gone in a instant and that would then be a question he and God would've talk about. Life is a precious, fragile thing in the grand scheme of things. When we face our big bangs in life we can only hope that God is as gracious to us as he was to this guy (This isn't the case in all situations) but in the meantime we have to ask ourselves "Are we prepared for it?" and lastly are we staying safe on the road? Paying attention? Putting our phones down? and being completely in the moment? I'm not the best in this regard but a healthy reminder never hurts
I hope that this blog post encourages us all to drive safe this holiday season and most importantly get closer to God on a daily basis. Often times traumatic experiences like these gets our attention on God but we have some many other days and moments to pay attention to Him. His grace and mercy is abundant, His love is everlasting, and his miracles are blessings in disguise.
God Bless Friends & Rest In Paradise Paul Walker

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