It was our annual friend retreat to Vegas and we were as excited as we could be.. Another long weekend in our friends discounted suite, looking over the pool from our 14th floor balcony “We Hereeeeee Vegas!!!” We all shouted out while bouncing around the suite checking out all its amenities. We were ready for a fun filled weekend. Vegas always delivered in that department.. But this weekend, Vegas delivered in a different department. This weekend wasn’t like any other weekend I’ve had in Vegas. Oh, Why is that you ask?!

Before getting there, you have to understand “The Crew.” Collectively we all grew up together, and are close, we are also different in very concrete ways. If there was 10 of us, some of us identified as Christian, one or two of us identified as agnostic, and the rest the crew fell somewhere in between... somewhere between believing in a higher power and being undecided. That didn’t stop us from getting along, or loving each other. We all just had very stiff contrasting perspectives on topics that addressed our beliefs.
After getting settled into our suite, we chilled, drank, planned the day out, and conversed.. In the past, conversations between us all often turned into discussions, then debates, and always took a marathon route. (RIP NIPSEY). I could remember some nights of us being up til the crack of dawn debating about the God of the Bible, religion, and what was the truth- or our truth. At the end of the day, I think, we all just wanted to find the truth. I had mines- and I believe that it is in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Who was the one and only begotten son sent from God to offer his life as a ransom for an amazing new life available for EVERYONE who believes. Y’all see what I did there ?! LOL A few of the crew members believed in science or evolution, or some other theory about our origins they believed to be true. These were all interesting conversations to have but in the same breath-very draining conversations. So.. this weekend I made a conscious-effort to just have fun with my “framily” But sometimes it is not our plans that prosper, but the plans of the Lord.. and probably, when I made that plan.. God was laughing

My buddy approached me several times through out our stay, asking questions he felt was contradicting about the Bible.. “Aye Will.. I don’t have a problem with Jesus, I actually like him, but the idea that someone who lives a good life can still not make it into heaven is ridiculous!!” “Who in the hell gets to make that call? Ahaha!“ In the most empathetic & short way possible, I acknowledged his perspective and exclaimed Gods perspective on the matter.. “I feel you.. but it’s not our call to make, I don’t think we really get to decide what’s good or not in the eyes of God.. & it says in the book of job (paraphrased) when God spoke about laying the foundations of the earth and how Job was not there..In a way, it is God exclaiming his sovereign power and authority over the world- this is sometimes beyond our understanding.. like Job in the story trying to understand why God's judgement and life's hurdles happened to him. At-least I think I said it that way but I probably did it with a lot more passion, and in a debate-savy way LOL I'm sure my friends would agree with that.
“I just think that’s bullshit” he exclaimed.. and the longer the day went on, the more we drank, and the more he addressed me on the topic. & every time I would attempt to give my best response that aligned with the word of God.. but shit! I was just tryna enjoy the weekend! Lol Then his interest continued.. “Aye Will, I really just don’t know if the God in the Bible- The Christians God is real, I mean everything he did in those days are hypocritical and long gone now!!” Like what ? I asked. “Well like how God communicated with his people.. the miracles!! Why doesn’t he do that shit anymore!?” "Well... I think he does, everyday!!! But we don’t pay attention to them! We see a airplane flying over us and don’t consider that to be a miracle ! When at some point we couldn’t travel distances in that recorded time, or someone survives or overcomes an illness and we don’t view that as a miracle?... The fact that we can go to the moon (apparently,) and make all of these great feats as humans, yet we don't see them as blessings or miracles?.. why not ?! I think we just have to really put things in perspective to get a closer look at alllllllll the blessings or miracles around us and even our lives!! The Miracles & Blessings happen everyday (Swipe right below)
“Nah I don't know Will! Don’t you think people would believe in God more if they can tangibly see and feel him and his blessings?!? That shit ain’t happening these days!! Like God spoke to his people directly, he came in a burning bush to speak to Moses, he addressed Paul directly, he gave his people signs!!! Where is all that shit today ?! Where are the signs?! It’s not there!!!” But it is bro! I passionately disagreed. God still gives signs, still does miracles!! A bit troubled by his perspective, I searched my heart for an answer.. “Maybe you need that “for your eyes only sign” to happen, so that you can believe ?! “Probably so!! But that shit ain’t happening ahah!! “ he jokingly responded. Man all I know is God still gives signs, dreams!! and revelation to his people so that they know he is real, and that his promises still exist.. Think about the rainbow! It is said that is God's sign/promise to the world that he would never flood the earth again!! & even crazier the rainbow appears AFTER the rain or thunderstorm STOPS- as to say REMEMBER LOL. Maybe you should pray to God to send YOU a sign bro?! And see what happens” “Yea maybe I will ahahahha!”

Challenged by his perspective I couldn’t help but put aside the festivities of the weekend and isolate to regroup. I thought of how draining these convos can be and asked God for strength. I prayed a little more, showered, and got ready for the rest of the day. The day continued and we made our way downstairs to hang out by the pool and enjoy the nice weather.. and some time after that, everyone gradually started to make their way up to the room to get ready for our night out on the strip. The crew got in another huddle to spark something in the air, and I stood on the porch conversing with a few of us who weren’t smoking. The night came and we all continued to pre-funk, get dressed and prepped to head to some nightclub that was supposed to be cracking that night! Standing on top of our balcony looking over the screaming joyous people filling up the large pool, something weird started to happen... In a matter of moments a strong wind and clouds rested in the sky. Loud thundering chanted in the sky, followed by stronger winds brushing up on everything in its distance-including us!! “Oh shit!!! Y’all see that ?!” I yelled out to everyone in the living room from the balcony. “Come check this out!! It’s like thunder storming!” This storm hit suddenly! almost as if that girl "Storm" from X-men came and set up shop right outside our hotel suite LOL. It started hailing, with strong winds knocking over everything in sight down at the pool and on our balcony. This storm picked up its power and presence as the moments went on! People quickly ran for cover as the surprising storm hit.. we were in amazement of what we were seeing and kinda scared too. I had never seen anything like it- for it to be in Vegas, a sunny nice day up until this point, for it to completely do this was entirely odd. Then it hit me, “This has to be the sign!!” Why not?!
I turned to boys who were in the living room, and excitedly chanted “Look y’all!!! It’s your sign?! Come check it out!! This storm came unexpectedly, and even the hazard alerts were late on this one- we got storm alerts minutes after the storm hit. They didn’t see it coming!! Maybe because they weren’t supposed to.

That storm continued to clean out everyone in the pool area like roaches when lights come on LOL.. By now, I was fully convinced that this was Gods doing, and I relied that message to my boys as they looked on with a bit of uncertainty and fear. “This is your sign” I kept saying to my boy, he looked at me without saying a word. Neither agreeing or disagreeing with my claim like he did with every other claim I had of the evidence and proof of God. He returned inside, we all did, and we all spoke about the amazement of this storm. Only a few of us were truly amazed by the storm, a few of us were worried about what this would mean for our night, and I’m sure a few of us were processing what the hell was going on LOL, either way, we all got in another huddle and tried to figure out if we should drive in that weather-assuming it would end at some point. Nothing was going to ruin this night ! So, when the question came up if we should go to the strip, I confidently responded “We’ll be good, we can still hit the strip!!” In a humble way, I believed that storm was directly from God and if it was I was sure it wouldn’t harm us this night out. A few of the crew rallied behind my confidence and we decided to make way for the car. My boys who were processing what happened and a few others decided to fall back on the night, before doing that “the friend who joked about us not getting signs from God” also decided to hang back in the room and gave me his keys so I can drive us to the strip- the brave few of us. In some oddly unique way, I felt like God was working on him. The feelings I had of being drained were suddenly all gone, as if God came and lifted them. The calming presence I felt during this intense storm was a miracle in itself, and I was content with going on claiming that this was in fact a sign from God, specifically for them. Would they believe that ?! Do you believe it was ?! Or was this just some coincidence? Only them, you, and God know the answer to that.
For me and the braves ones, the night was set to go on. I got in the drivers seat of my boys Red hybrid car and we made way to the Las Vegas strip! The storm was around us and still going-lightening here, thundering there, and strong winds over there but I happily & carefully drove us to our destination we got to the club and it was cracking! It had some drama there for us too and a couple members of the crew fell off from entering the club because of the price.. But us brave and prepared ones made way inside and it was off the chains! A little later we saw Big Sean perform, and a few other artist we enjoy listening to. It was a win win kind of night and I happily thanked God for it.
The next day we all got up and got ourselves situated. Everyone who went to the club raved about how cool it was, how close to the stage we were, and for the few who didn’t get in-they talked about their odd night after leaving the club. Each comical in its own way. Amused by everyone’s perspective of the night, I noticed my boy making way over to the living room area where we was having the convo, he sat down quietly , I looked at him, “what’s good bro!!! Was it a sign from God ?!” While smiling, hoping he would see the light and the believed truth from that moment. He looked at me, gave me a light smirk and said, “Was it a sign from God?!” I responded, “That was a sign just for you bro.” He smiled.

What do you all think?! Was this a sign from God or just a coincidence ? #Judges
God Bless friends,
Thank you for reading!!
William A. Wallace