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Friend < Stranger: A Early Guide For The Aspiring Entrepreneur

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

Updated: Jan 6, 2019

Grind On Brothas & Sistas!

According to multiple sources, there are over 400 million entrepreneurs around the world and that’s growing! (1 in every 18 people) The idea of building your own is becoming more and more popular with us ‘millennial's’ as we stumble through life like the first-timers that we are! In a age where technology is evolving, social media is as lucrative as it can be, and the world of fast pace marketing is a gold mine in the eyes of businesses/entrepreneurs. I mean, you can literally reach thousands of people in a matter of minutes to sale your product/service. Social media has the ability to reach people at a rate never before seen, and everyone is taking advantage of it-Including entrepreneurs. & rightfully so!

With the growing experience I have with entrepreneurship I want to share a perspective on the matter. Let’s say the human nature of entrepreneurship; for the entrepreneur, the friend, and the stranger. There role and a few tips to maneuver around the world, towards your entrepreneurial plight! First and foremost BELIEVE in yourself, BELIEVE in your vision, and keep BELIEVING, and doing everything necessary to succeed towards that vision. Persistence is a helluva drug!

If you don't how can anyone esle?

When you do these things, the universe literally provides opportunities and doorways you could’ve never imagined to be opened. (Research Universal Laws of attraction) These are God’s written codes for the world we live in and a lot of successful people LEARN how to operate in them.

Get Ya team in order

Secondly, understand that the friend < stranger. This may be a hard pill to swallow but it’s OK. Starting a business, having a big vision, or new endeavor sometimes/often times WILL NOT guarantee the support of your loved ones. And that’s OK! Consider the life of Jesus himself. His business was God’s business. When His ministry (Business) started He gained the most support from strangers then He did with His own people, community, or loved ones. This was his communities response to him when he returned as this new look Jesus, whom they’ve witnessed grow up & probably stumble through life like the first-timers we are. Although I imagine Jesus’ early life was a little more angelic then ours. On the matter, this is how his community responded:

“Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James and Jose’s and Judas and Simon? And not his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him.” Mark 6:3

Immediately they couldn't see the growth of God himself through Jesus and they took offense to him. Your family/loved ones may not take you through the fire like what Jesus went through but they may try to remind you of how you have always stumbled through life like a new born baby deer trying to walk for the first time. Or remind you of the fact that you can’t wake up on time for anything, even if there was a bull in a China shop across the hall. Or even how you rather eat pop-tarts over a nice medium rare steak, or how you put ketchup everything! 😂 They won’t see your greatness! & that's OK. Even Jesus had to deal with opposition on His journey, and briefly put, on the matter He said:

“A prophet is not without honor, except in his HOMETOWN and among his relatives and in his own household.” Mark 6:5 (Read more about the life of Jesus in the book of Mark😇)

Surely we all aren’t prophets but Jesus exposed the human nature of those around you, when you purposefully walk in your Gift/Vision/Talent. They couldn’t see Jesus for who he had become. This is will most likely be no different for you, you brave soul you, especially in the early stages of your vision when the grind is hard and sometimes lonely. So you must keep up the good fight and consider those loved ones not supporting you as a sign of you going in the right direction. Instead, focus on those strangers, the people who come across your path in a almost coincidental manner.

Steady business moves!

Which brings me to my third perspective:

Focus on the strangers. These are the people who are apart of your destiny, they may be complete strangers, new business partners, new opportunities, and they will help you along the way. Focus your energy on them. The universal law of attraction says : you attract those things/circumstances and conditions that corresponds with your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. A simple explanation to this would be if you were at a random party. Law of attraction would ultimately mold that environment in your favor; whoever you may be. The smokers find the smokers, the intellectuals find the intellectuals, the drinkers find the drinkers, and so forth. The entrepreneurs finds what He/She needs (when energy is put towards it) You don’t necessarily need hundreds or thousands of people to develop/accomplish your dreams, sometimes you just need a few committed individuals. Jesus himself had 12 disciples , one in which betrayed him, but he was still able to accomplish his great work (bring salvation to the world) Find yourself a loyal team of 2,3,4 or 5 individuals to build with. If you get up to 12, even better ! In the world of entrepreneurship, always believe in yourself and your vision, don’t mind those who don’t support you, focus on those who do! And you’ll be on your way to Greatness!

GodSpeed Friends,

William A. Wallace

Comment below ! I want to know any other tips/comments you all may have !


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