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“FALL” into L O V E🍂

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

“FALL“ into L O V E 🍂

For starters— this ain’t what you think it is 😂😂 Although I love love, I haven’t been fortunate enough to fall IN love just yet. God willing- soon come LOL. But, I do LOVE a lot of things about the FALL. This fall has been particularly special for me, as I am a first time “Author” WOW! Crazy to say or think about. I also love fall because of what it symbolizes-- from an adjusted excerpt from my book “God’s On My Side”

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“Fall symbolizes a new start, and a new opportunity. Fall is the time of year us football players, and I’m sure other people as well- are looking forward to. It’s the beginning of a new school year, a new season, and a lil cooler breeze— but the sun still shines bright here in California. & who doesn't like a new opportunity, or another crack at being great?” "God's On My Side"

The Joy of it all is special. 🍂

And about that L O V E thing. Most of the time when we think about love, we think about it being between intimate partners-- but what if it was about falling in love with our environment? our community? or our work? (Don't give me that look now lol) The gesture of

L O V E can be applied to everything around us. People love their favorite football team, or a car, or a particular place-- When we love, we add so much to whatever it is we are loving, we add value & meaning to our community, environment, and the friends or people we display this love to. It’s always a good time for love! This fall, and any season— we should always take a chance on love. We should become vulnerable with that special someone, have fun, get out of your comfort zone— I think that’s how love works? 🤔🤣☺️

L O V E makes a lot of things better. If you love someone or something, there’s joy in the midst of that, there’s genuine moments in the midst of it, and there’s definitely God in the midst of it. For it’s says: “God IS love” Amazing to think about?? When we think about the feeling of love, being loved, loving someone, or loving something (hopefully all things that are good for us lol) We truly get a glimpse into WHO God is. That feeling, those endorphins (feel good chemicals in your body), that sort of Euphoria is nothing but only a glimpse of who God is. Why only a glimpse? Because it is imperfect—here. And that’s ok (STILL get uncomfortable LOL) There will be times where our love lives may waver, or the things we love will fade away, but a perfect love is this— that we will always experience that Euphoria type love—with God. It will NEVER fade, it will never waver— because it is from the perfect-er of all things.

So, to say the least- that feeling you feel on your WEDDING day, or when you are fully immersed in that thing you L O V E to do (Hopefully something good) IS the feeling you will feel with God— Forever & it will never waver. How amazing is that?!

So, on this fall 🍂day— I petition you to Fall “Into” L O V E. With the people in your life, the people you work with, the people you bump into, the communities you live in, with the things you do, with your passions, with your families, and more importantly— with God. Because in that way, we will begin to cultivate life around us, giving each other a glimpse of who God is. Loving one another, until the day we experience “A Perfect Love”. In Christ J E S U S 😇

Thank you for reading,

William A. Wallace

-The Freedom Writer-



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