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A “40” Piece

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

One thing we all have— is a life to live. How we live it is up to us, if we choose to live it doing bad things or good things— that’s on us right? And for the most part I think we all wanna do good? But, what is the meaning of this life ? and what are we to do during this lifetime we have? For the most part, we know we are to L I V E this life right ? ☺️🤣 Some would argue this life has no meaning while others will argue it has all the meaning in the world— how we live it, what we do, what we believe in, and so on. And for the most part, that is right, we didn’t just appear here to live then die, there must be something more to it? And happily I’ll tell you there is so much more to it. God says so, and apart from us living this life to the fullest, God wants to prepare us for even more! ☺️ Amazing right ?! In this blog, A “40” Piece, we are gonna dive into this idea a lil' further. According to what God says; put ya seat belt on 🎢☺️🤣

Alright, so why the “40” Will? In the Bible, 40 is used to describe a journey, of ups and downs, highs & lows, trials & tribulations. But then also to remind us that it is God’s doing. Countless times is 40 referenced through out the Bible— with kings reigning as Israel’s leaders for 40 years, Jesus being tempted after fasting for 40 days, David reigning over Israel for 40 years, and so on. If we don’t know yet, numbers in God’s eyes have significant meaning. “3” “7” “40” “33” and so on, we can dive into the meaning of each later, for now let’s stick with 40. 40 is referenced in the book of Exodus when God delivered his children out of Egypt, out of slavery, then into the wilderness where they were set to journey to the ’promised land’. That journey took 40 years, while the journey itself was supposed to only be several days. During that journey God was doing something to his people— he was preparing them for the promised land. We see this In biblical context every time 40 is addressed. So in essence, the number 40 is symbolic to 'God being with us & it being God’s strategic work’ during our life. 40 is referenced numerous of times through out the bible, but I also want to share the meaning of 40 in a different way.

In numerology the number 40 "resonates with dignity and sense of worthiness. It is described as being P A T I E N T, yet

P E R S I S T E N T. It's methodical approach makes achievement of goals a 'S T E P by

S T E P’ accomplishment. 40 has attention on building an ever more secure foundation for the F U T U R E. Whenever possible, the course of action is thought A L L the way through before commencing an undertaking. Every step that can be determined I S determined and the steps are followed in order to accomplish the

G O A L .”

With understanding both of these realizations it’s safe to say that 40 closely depicts the work God is doing in our life, during our life— to complete his plan for us. When the children of Israel were freed from Egypt’s captivity, God prepared them in the wilderness by

T E A C H I N G them how to live this life centered with Him. The things he taught them we can go over in future blogs, but

E V E R Y T H I N G he taught them was in preparation of what ? The promised land. It was known that the journey to that promised land was only a 10 day trip, that took them 40 years-- so essence, the place was already ready for them within 10 days, but were they ready for it ? Are we ready for it ?

I believe that this is symbolic to our lives. From the moment God sets us free (through Christ) from the world , sin, and corruption, he then begins to prepare us for where He wants to take us— & this is a ‘step by step’ determined process, y’all see? ☺️ He begins to teach us how to rely on Him alone, how to fellowship with each other, how to governing ourselves & a bunch more all the way up until our destination, which is where ?!....

H E A V E N😇 yup you guessed it right.

So, 40 is simply Gods strategic work to prepare us for our promised land, which is in H E A V E N. Our lives is a journey meant to be walked with God as our instructor, tour guide, teacher or whatever other title floats ya boat! 😂 & this my friends is: A “40” piece

Thank you for reading & I hope you all enjoyed,

God bless

William A. Wallace

-The Freedom Writer-



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