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The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly: Are You Positive Enough!?

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

Positive Thinking Is a Helluva Drug

There are some of us who call ourselves "realist" and some of us who call ourselves "dreamers." I've been called a dreamer way too often, and that's ok with me. I believe, and a lot of studies have shown that being a positive/optimistic thinker is GOOD for you. This is no shot at you realist out there (Please don't come for me LOL), who, see things for what they are. The definition itself says: "A realist is a person who ACCEPTS a situation as it is and plans to deal with it according." In a way, this is good, because you are neither really high or low in the matter, but I would argue being neutral to any situation, in a essence, is completely accepting that situation- Good or Bad..Should we accept situations for what they are? Has anything great come from people accepting hard times, negative situations or outcomes? Or does many tough situations require a mindset above the influence? What if that situation requires optimistic thinking ? Hopeful thinking to the point of no return? What if that situation just looks completely bad? Should you be a realist and accept it or a optimistic thinker or dreamer and hope for the best!? I want to share two stories on the matter and would love to hear what you all think below? Before I do, I want to cover some facts about POSITIVE THINKING & NEGATIVE THINKING:

According to The Mayo Clinic, positive thinking reduces stress ( I think we can all agree with that?) It also increases your life span (validating story to come below) It gives you a greater resistance to common colds, better physiological and physical well-being, and better coping skills during hardships.

Opposite of that is what is known as NEGATIVE THINKING. Here are a few terms that highlight exactly what negative thinking is:

(All words are Mental Health terms)

1. Filtering: Magnifying the negative aspects of a situation, for example. You had a day with many accomplishments yet you magnify the accomplishments you didn't hit.

2. Personalizing: When something bad happens you automatically blame yourself. For example, saying : "I didn't get all my accomplishments done because I'm a slow and horrible worker."

3. Catastrophizing: You automatically assume the worst, or blow the negative up in a disastrous way, for example, "This whole week is going to be horrible because I didn't talk to __________(Insert your bae name LOL)

4. Polarizing: This is seeing things as only good or bad, nothing in between. For example, you feel like you have to be perfect, or do a perfect job or it's a failure.

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These are a few helpful facts about how a person thinks in different situations and knowing the difference can help you start to practice avoiding negative thoughts, and PRACTICE positive thinking. The first story is a fictional one. It's the story of a Coach Bigby and his little league basketball team, for fun, let's call them the Compton Caterpillars LOL and they had a heated rivalry game against the Inglewood Baby Goats LOL. It was the 4th quarter and the away team Baby Goats were in the lead 32-31 with 7 seconds left. They (Baby Goats) had no fouls to give- which meant if they fouled the Caterpillars anytime before a shot, the Caterpillars would go to the free throw line to shoot two free throws. By the grace of God, the Baby Goats ignorantly fouled the star player of the Caterpillars team, sending them to the line for two last free throws. But in the process of being fouled, their star player sprained his knee and was out the game! The Caterpillars lost a lot of hope because the player they fouled scored 27 of their 31 points (Baby Lebron LOL). The ref suggested to Coach Bigby to choose a player to shoot the remaining free throws. Coach Bigby anxiously looked down at his little warriors in distraught, their faces ridden with defeat now that their star player was down. He gathered his thoughts to motivate his team, "Ok! we are only down by 1 point, if we make these two free throws we can win this game 33-32! ummmmm! (looking around the huddle in desperation) Rigby!! you've made a couple shots today! Go and knock them out for us!!" Rigby quickly and anxiously responded, Coach !! hell no!! I'm not good under pressure!! I'm about to piss in my pants!! Coach Bigby angrily responds, "The hell son!!? You are the only other player whose scored today! Get out there and hit those damn free throws!!" Coach I can't! Rigby replied.. Then, out of nowhere, one brave kid raised his hand and said " Coach!! I can do it! put me in!?" Ryan!? Coach replied in confusion. "Son you haven't played in a damn game alllll year, what makes you think you can do it !?" The whole team agreed with Coach Bigby because Ryan was the closest thing to a water boy. He hadn't played all season, but he assured the whole team he could make those shots. "Coach!! I can do it!! I am good under pressure! I beat the computer in NBA 2K19 every time in the fourth quarter!! I got this!" Coach Bigby pondered for a few moments of what to do- force Rigby to knock down those big shots under pressure or allow for the only brave kid willing to attempt those free throws have a crack at it. Who should Coach put in the game? Who would you put in the game? The kid who already is doubting himself or the kid who optimistically believes in himself- despite not playing much. Who do you think is more likely to make the shot? (The person who believes or the person who doesn't?)


After Ryan hit the two freethrows LOL "I told coach I could do it!"

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The second story is a biblical one, from the book of Numbers 13:1-33 (Check it out) I am going to paraphrase it for time management purposes LOL. In the story, God has delivered his people out of the land of Egypt from oppression and on to new land and new opportunity. In the story there were plenty of examples of negative thinking and positive thinking-but more negative thinking from the people of Israel in all the circumstances they faced. This one in particular is one in which, God instructed Moses to direct his people to go into the land Caanan. God planned to take them through this land, and for them to succeed in it, despite the opposition there waiting. Moses reported back to the people of Israel of the matter and sent off 12 men representing the 12 tribes to go before everyone and give "report" of the land. Moses wanting them to look into the land, it's fruitfulness, his landscapes, it's structure, it's people etc and return back with a report to Moses and the Israelites' of what they 'SEE.' The 12 men went on and spied on the land and everything it had to offer, they later returned with their report. Out of the 12 men who went, 10 of them (83.3%) had a NEGATIVE report of the land they spied on. They mentioned the land was guarded by great & tall men who made them look like 'grasshoppers' They went on to say how strong they were and how impossible of a task God was planning to send them into. This stirred up a lot of fear with the people, and even-more stirred up the anger of God. On the other hand, the two individuals with a POSITIVE report of the land, Caleb & Joshua, reported that the land was full of milk and honey, green pastures, land & livestock, and they were enthused to head into the land and conquer it like GOD had instructed them to! They SAW all the positives about it regardless of all the negative obstacles the others SAW. On one end, God was angered by his people report of negativity of the land he told them to venture to- probably because of the lack of trust. And on the other hand God was really pleased with the report of the two POSITIVE individuals and in the story moved forward with THEM, and they lived longer then everyone else. ( It pays to be positive people) On the two individuals who gave the positive report, God said: "But because my servant Caleb has a DIFFERENT attitude and has WHOLEHEARTEDLY followed me, I'll bring him to the land he already explored. His descendants will possess it." Numbers 13:24 & of the negative individuals God said: "How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to TRUST me in spite of all the miraculous signs I've done among them?" Numbers 14:11 and Gods' angered followed; He didn't move forward with anyone of the negative thinkers and because of their NEGATIVE thinking, which brought forth FEAR and a lack of TRUST in God's plan, they lost out.

....because of his attitude and trust in God

It truly pays to be POSITIVE in all circumstances, sometimes even when they don't look good. Try to find the positive in them, even if it's just the small things. Joshua & Caleb understood that and truly trusted in God to deliver them in this challenging land. Even young Ryan practiced positive thinking/affirmations with his teams' game on the line. He never doubted himself and only BELIEVED that he could do it- I'm sure God would've been with him. I'm sure God was with him as he beat the computer in NBA 2K19 LOL simply because he believed and never doubted. In whatever circumstance you may be in, or going through- The Good, The Bad, or the Ugly- always practice POSITIVE THINKING and watch things start to move in your favor!!


Thank you for reading,

William A. Wallace

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