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HUSTLE: An Early Guide For The Aspiring Entrepreneur

Writer: William A. WallaceWilliam A. Wallace

Updated: Mar 27, 2019

I recently invested in attending this entrepreneurial meeting in Los Angeles. I was already skeptical of it just cause, but when I got there I was quickly intrigued by the business endeavor (I’ll tell you all about it later 😉) & the presenter who spoke. I remember him talking about the idea of independent business owning, and about the matter of having multiple streams of income (HUSTLING) in street terms ✊🏾 On it he said: 

“Think of all the successful business owners you know? Famous people, actors, movies stars, Fortune 500 company owners, and tell me how many of them do you think just do that ONE thing? They don’t ! And in the business of business, it’s almost /sometimes crazy to put ALL your eggs in one basket. They have multiple streams of income! It’s to risky to just have one! But not us 9 to 5ers-who live paycheck to paycheck (highly true in California) We tend to go completely opposite of this idea, and we expect one source of income to be enough. We trade time for wages and build nothing that is a residual beneficiary to us! That’s crazy” 

When you are overworked & underpaid lol

The idea that every millionaire has multiple streams of income, and that we should too got me thinking 🤔 In order to have multiple incomes we need multiple HUSTLES! Some hustles are under the table, some are slightly illegal (Shout out to all the street hustlas! May God be with you! 😂) But most of us don’t have any other source of income. Yet we have multiple talents, multiple gifts, work different jobs over time, but still can’t get over the paycheck to paycheck hump!? Is that crazy?! 🤔 Are we selling our greatness short ?! I think so 😇

Thinking back on my young life. Maybe my dad was on to something when he taught me & my brotha how to HUSTLE! My dad at the time ran a successful night club in Cincinnati and at times had my brother and I as assistants to promoting and marketing his night club. We would do business runs with my pops, gather up all the flyers he made and pleasantly passed them out to people, everywhere we went , we NETWORKED. ( Another 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 for the aspiring entrepreneur we’ll talk about later 😉) He role modeled something to us at a early age that we turned and used in our OWN neighborhood. The neighborhood we lived in was a bit diverse, but the common denominator was that everyone in or around our 4 bedroom home was a middle class American-They owned some property and had a little money (The Market). My brother and I, being the newly inspired hustlas' that we were formulated a plan to make a little money. In Cincinnati (Avondale) we got all the seasons- hot humid heat, snow, a beautiful fall, the whole nine. During those seasons we would have to do the upkeep of our yard with house chores 🤦🏾‍♂️ raking the yard, shoveling snow, and cutting the grass. We figured that if we had to do these things and it was sometimes a drag, it must be a drag for other people too! So we packed up our lawnmower and went about our neighborhood, knocking on doors, “Excuse me sir/miss! My name is Will /Demond and we would like to mow your grass ? (in the summer) rake your leaves (in the fall) and shovel your snow? (In the winter) for a small price of 20$.” (With the friendliest of smiles on our faces 😃😂) & during each of those seasons my brother and I made a decent living around our neighborhood and even built some solid trust from the home owners. We started making schedules and were sometimes invited over when home owners weren’t even home. We HUSTLED!! We made good enough pay that our sisters wanted to get involved and we then formulated a plan to do just that 🤔💸 My sister was a helluva cook, so we got her to make cookies/brownies/cupcakes and sell them along side us when we made our runs. They trusted us so they bought anything we were selling! (They loved her cupcakes)


I wondered was this a lost art ? I wondered if kids today ever did anything besides play video games, until I had a run in with some local Atlanta kids during my post grad life. I was staying with my sister, had money saved up, and a lot of time on my hands. These 3-4 group of kids used to come knock on my sisters door and ask “Excuse me! We want to take out YOUR trash for a dollar!?” My face lit up with joy from these aspiring business owners because I knew, ‘this is where it starts!’ That whole summer I went almost broke 😂supporting those local kids because I saw something in them like my brotha and I- they too, were Hustlas! 

In the business of business! It is important to have multiple streams of income, because it provides a bit of a security for you and your business. & that can only be accomplished with having a hustlas’ mindset!! Some of the greatest sales men or women are unluckily serving the streets everyday. Sometimes in detrimental ways. Take the formula of hustling and apply it to something productive and you’ll have successful business men and women in our communities! You’ll have multiple streams of income, and you’ll be on your way to greatness! ☺️😇🙏🏾

Godspeed Friends, 

William A. Wallace 

Anyone interested in learning about an independent business opportunity, email me now! Let’s shoot for changing the opportunities and resources in our communities, one entrepreneur at a time! 🙏🏾 


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